On Saturday, leaders of the Sudan Liberation Movement-Minni Minawi and the Justice and Equality Movement met with international envoys in the German capital.
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Sudan: Darfur, West Kordofan ‘Ready for Disarmament Campaign’
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Sudan: FM Undersecretary Meets British Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan
The Undersecretary of the Foreign Ministry, Ambassador, Abdul Ghani Al-Naem received, Sunday, the British Envoy to Sudan and South Sudan, Christopher Trot accompanied by the British Ambassador to Sudan, Mikael Aron.
SPLA-IO Spokesman says Juba’s kidnapping activities amount to “terrorism”
The Spokesperson for the South Sudan armed opposition, SPLA-IO, said in a statement that the failed abduction of their Deputy Spokesman Col. Paul Gabriel Lam in Uganda fits the definition terrorist activities.
EU doubles funding for South Sudan refugees
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Aid workers face unique crisis in South Sudan war, says ICRC
South Sudan’s civil war presents humanitarian workers with «one of the unique crises» in the world, the president of the International Committee of the Red Cross said Monday.
Sudan: Desalgen – Sudanese-Ethiopian Relations Distinguished and Deeply Rooted
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Ethiopia hosts over 380,000 S.Sudanese refugees: UN
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Africa Energy Series: War-Torn South Sudan On A Charm Offensive
Local company Trinity Energy, which is active across the downstream spectrum, is also dusting off plans to build a 50,000-bpd capacity refinery. A feasibility study was completed in 2013, but the project stalled because of insecurity from the outbreak of civil war in December 2013. Work is now planned to commence at the end of 2017 on a refinery in the oil-producing area of Paluch, and It is scheduled to be commissioned by 2020.
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