Norges innvandringsminister vil bruke bistanden som pressmiddel for å få på plass returavtaler. Sylvi Listhaugs Afrika-reise vekker oppsikt hos KrF og Flyktninghjelpen. Selv uttrykker Frp-toppen et sterkt engasjement for «de glemte flyktningene» på det afrikanske kontinent
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UN official calls to fund peacebuilding efforts in Darfur
UN peacekeeping chief has urged the Security Council to allocate funds for the consolidate peacebuilding process in Darfur as he admitted a tangible improvement in the security situation on the ground
Egypt, Eritrea leaders meet as Nile tensions rise
Egypt’s president and his Eritrean counterpart met in Cairo on Monday amid heightened tensions with Sudan and Ethiopia over border disputes and the construction of a massive upstream Nile dam
Ex-presidential adviser forms new rebel group
A new rebel movement allied to former presidential adviser on development calling itself the Eastern Front Army declared existence in South Sudan with an agenda to fight against the current government to achieve federalism
[Photos] South Sudan to open new terminal at Juba International Airport
Africa’s youngest nation, South Sudan, will have a new terminal for its main international airport, the Juba International Airport
Four killed in fresh clashes outside S. Sudan’s capital
At least four pro-government troops were killed in fresh clashes that occurred outside the South Sudan capital, Juba on Tuesday, the country’s armed opposition faction claimed
‘Hunger is killing me’: starvation as a weapon of war in South Sudan
Civil war has ravaged once-bountiful Equatoria, now a wasteland of looted shops and abandoned homes, with close to 400,000 people desperate for food
Minister fra Sudan uenig med Listhaug: – Jeg foretrekker at de drar til Europa
På sin første diplomatiske reise til Nord-Afrika understreket innvandrings- og integreringsminister Sylvi Listhaug (Frp) at migranter og flyktninger best hjelpes i nærområdene. Men hun møter motstand fra lokale myndigheter
Anger over the rising price of bread in Sudan
WHO: Mystery Outbreak in South Sudan Kills Three
Three people in South Sudan have died of a suspected viral hemorrhagic fever and 60 of their contacts are being monitored for any infection, the World Health Organization said Monday