Fra rohingya-flyktninger til Sør-Sudan, fra orkaner til hungersnød – 2017 var fullt av kriser og katastrofer. Men 2018 ligger an til å bli enda verre.
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Listhaug vil ha returavtale med Sudan
Innvandrings- og integreringsminister Sylvi Listhaug (Frp) ønsker en avtale om retur av sudanere fra Norge. Listhaug besøker flere afrikanske land denne uken
Advarer Listhaug mot å forhandle med mistenkt krigsforbryter
Innvandrings- og integreringsminister Sylvi Listhaug (Frp) har i dag samtaler med den sudanske regjeringen om arbeidet for å begrense flyktningstrømmen til Europa. Amnesty er kritisk
Sudan protests to UN over border row with Egypt
Sudan has renewed a complaint at the United Nations demanding Egypt hand over control of the “Halayeb Triangle” border territory, the Foreign Ministry said on Monday.
Malong is mobilizing for war: South Sudan’s Kiir
South Sudan President Salva Kiir said Sunday his ex-army chief of staff whom he released into exile through mediation brokered by elders was now mobilizing for war, citing videotapes in which he was talking to soldiers and officers in the army to cause rebellion and attack towns in Bahr el Ghazal
Darfuri student killed in Sudan protests against price hikes
On Sunday, the third day of demonstrations against the 300% price increases that hit the country last week, a student was killed in the West Darfur capital of El Geneina. South Darfur, Blue Nile State, White Nile State, and Khartoum as well witnessed a number of protests
Sør-Sudan blokkerte mobilt internett etter sammenstøt
Sør-Sudan ga landets mobiloperatører om å blokkere tilgangen til internett etter sammenstøt som har kostet 13 mennesker livet i hovedstaden Juba
Sudan: Norway Backs IOM to Combat Irregular Migration in Sudan
The Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security has signed a NOK 4 million ($480,000) agreement to fund a IOM project to protect migrants in Sudan
Armed opposition says South Sudan army killed eight civilians in Yei state
The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in Opposition (SPLM-IO) led by the former First Vice President Riek Machar has accused the government forces of killing eight civilians in two area in the Yei River State in south-western South Sudan
Sudan shuts border with Eritrea: state media
Sudan has shut its eastern border with Eritrea, state media reported on Saturday, days after Khartoum declared an emergency in the neighbouring state of Kasala