While refugee-hosting is associated with some benefits to the local economy, the large-scale presence of refugees undeniably creates a heavy burden for hosting communities
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South Sudan Remains on Bottom of World Freedom Index
South Sudan in Focus (episode 12)
South Sudan in Focus airs at 7:30 pm in Juba (1630 UTC) and can be heard on FM stations throughout South Sudan, on shortwave, and on VOA’s 24-hour channel in Nairobi at 8:30 pm. The program is hosted by John Tanza in Washington D.C., and a network of reporters around South Sudan and in Washington produce the stories that are heard on South Sudan in Focus
US calls for South Sudan arms embargo after failed truce
The United States on Wednesday called for an international arms embargo to be imposed on South Sudan following the failure of the latest ceasefire aimed at ending the four-year war
Washington «gir opp» Sør-Sudans president
FN-ambassadør Nikki Haley sier at USA gir opp den sørsudanske presidenten Salva Kiir fordi han er en «uegnet partner» i jakten på fred.
Fredsavtalen i Sør-Sudan må lykkes
South Sudanese rebels demand compensation to release Kenyan pilots
South Sudanese rebels are holding two Kenyan pilots and will not release them until compensation is paid to the family of a civilian killed when their plane crashed, a rebel spokesman told Reuters on Tuesday
U.N. releases aid death toll in S. Sudan, Kiir in S. Africa for talks
At least 28 aid workers were killed in war-torn South Sudan in 2017, the United Nations said in a statement
UN troops returning to only base in rebel-held South Sudan
United Nations peacekeepers are returning to the only U.N. base in South Sudan “clearly” in an area under opposition control as residents hope for protection from what they call growing attacks by government troops
South Sudan Episcopal Church gets new Archbishop
The Episcopal Church of South Sudan (ECSS) elected the new primate and Archbishop over the weekend in Juba