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South Sudan’s youth live a life of war and daytime partying

With the dangers facing South Sudan’s youth, occasions where young people in the country come together are rare. However, a section of youngsters in the capital of Juba are defying the dangers of war to hit the clubs during daylight hours – one of the few escapes they can enjoy from the country’s ongoing conflict

Gold alone can solve Sudan’s economic problems: Minister

If the gold produced in Sudan were not sold but used as a guarantee for financing, the country’s financial problems would be solved, says Minister of Minerals Dr Hashem Ali Salem. Meanwhile, the economic situation continues to deteriorate, with the country’s reserves of cooking gas almost depleted, and soaring prices of consumer goods

What will the Sudanese People in the Darfur Region Expect in the New Year 2018?

Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman: The Sudanese people are not sure of what is hidden in the New Year 2018 under the rule of the despotic regime of the National Congress Party (NCP), which is led by the tyrant, genocidal criminal and the fugitive from the international justice, Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir who is seeking protection from the countries his National Islamic Front (NIF) used to call them the arrogant colonial Countries of Russia and America whose torment had neared