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Kiir og Machar enige om regjering i Sør-Sudan
Trykker hender, men svikter freden
10, 21, 28, 32, ?: Why South Sudan’s peace might rest on a number
South Sudan has until 22 February to form a coalition government. One particular quarrel has proven intractable, until recently
Juba talks: Sudan peace agreement will prevail over Constitutional Declaration
The delegation of the Sudanese government agreed with the leaders of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) rebel alliance during peace negotiations in Juba that peace agreements will prevail over the Constitutional Declaration, “because of the importance of peace for the Sudanese people and the stability of the transitional period”
Opprørsleder i Sør-Sudan avviser kompromissforslag
Avvisningen kommer dagen etter at president Salva Kiir åpnet opp for å gi etter for ett av opprørernes viktigste krav: At landet igjen skal deles inn i ti delstater slik det var da Sør-Sudan ble et eget land i 2011. Men Kiir vil samtidig dele landet inn i tre administrative områder, noe Machar ikke vil godta
Gresshoppesvermer har nådd Sør-Sudan
Den verste gresshoppeinvasjonen i Øst-Afrika på mange år har nådd sultrammede og krigsherjede Sør-Sudan
South Sudan cuts number of states from 32 to 10, unlocking peace process
South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir said on Saturday he was cutting the number of states from 32 to 10, unlocking a stalled peace deal and paving the way for the formation of a long- awaited unity government