African nation’s leaders have mid-November deadline to form a unity government
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South Sudan/AU: Set Meeting on War Crimes Court
Lack of Communication, Clear Plan Impede Justice
Norge vil ikke ha besøk av den «Den nubiske dronningen»
Arrangørene av konferansen «Ly for Stormen» i Harstad trodde at alt gikk på skinner. De hadde hatt langvarig kontakt med ambassaden i den sudanesiske hovedstaden Karthoum
Innleder til ytringsfrihetskonferanse får ikke komme til Harstad
Hentet fra Harstad Tidende 8.10.2019 | Av Øyvind Arvola en nubiske dronningen» får ikke besøke Harstad. Den unge sudanesiske...
Amnesty accuses South Sudan of crippling justice system
Hentet fra Memo Middle East Monitor 7. October 2019| An international rights group has accused South Sudanese authorities of...
Organisation for Ending Impunity calls on Sudan govt to hand Al Bashir to ICC
Hentet fra Dabanga TV 7. October 2019| The Organisation for Ending Impunity has called on Sudan’s Transitional Government to...
Report Says South Sudan Fails to Provide War Victims Justice
Hentet fra New York Times 7. Ocober 2019| Av By The Associated Press JUBA, South Sudan — South Sudan‘s...
S. Sudan opposition movements demand dialogue with Kiir
Hentet fra Sudan Tribune | Ingen journalist kreditert Members of the South Sudan Opposition Movements (SSOM) alliance have demanded dialogue with...
George Clooney & John Prendergast: Violence is the business model in South Sudan
Anecdotes abound of corrupt, war-torn African dictatorships. South Sudan, the world’s newest nation, is usually Exhibit A in those tales. But in the shadows of this narrative is another part of the story, usually untold.
South Sudan child soldiers attempt to rebuild lives
Dodging death over the past two decades, while fighting numerous battles, Anyieth, now 33, is attempting to wash the tag of a child soldier, by rebuilding his life