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Skriftlig spørsmål fra Audun Lysbakken (SV) til utenriksministeren.
Et rikt liv, i arbeid for andre
Hva er det som gjør et menneskeliv rikt? Etter Bistandsaktuelt sitt intervju med Marit Hernæs, er vi kanskje litt nærmere et godt svar
South Sudan lawmakers quit budget presentation over unpaid public salaries
South Sudanese lawmakers stormed out of a budget presentation for the 2019/20 financial year by the finance minister on Thursday, with one citing frustrations over non-payment of salaries of civil servants and soldiers
Sudan protests: Military council wants talks to resume
Sudan’s military council has called for unconditional talks with protest leaders
‘Now is the time to act’ for victims of violence in Sudan, ICC Prosecutor urges Security Council
The UN Security Council must “seize this moment” presented by the current turmoil in Sudan, to provide justice at long last for the victims of violence in Darfur, and those who have suffered at the hands of the brutal military crackdown earlier this month.
Hjemme hos «Darfur-slakteren» ble det funnet en milliard i kontanter. Nå skal han stilles for retten.
Migrantkrisen ble et vendepunkt. Voldelige generaler kan få mer spillerom, frykter eksperter.
Statement by Ms. Gwi-Yeop Son, the Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan, on the humanitarian situation in Sudan
The Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan Gwi-Yeop Son is deeply concerned about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Sudan and is alarmed by reports of intercommunal violence in various Darfur States, including the recent clashes in Deleij, Central Darfur, that left 17 people dead and 100 dwellings destroyed
Millioner trues av sult i Sør-Sudan
Nesten syv millioner mennesker trues nå av sult i Sør-Sudan, til tross for fredsavtalen i september som fikk slutt på nesten fem år med borgerkrig, ifølge FN