Sør-Sudans vei til diktaturet

I 2011 ble Sør-Sudan et uavhengig land, etter 20 års kamp for frigjøring fra Sudan. Da feiret verden uavhengigheten, med blant annet kronprins Haakon som gjest. Bare to år etter, i 2013, brøt det ut borgerkrig i landet. I denne teksten skriver Halle Jørn Hansen om utviklingen han har sett i landet de siste årene

Pressemelding fra South Sudan National Movement for Change (SSNMC)

On behalf of the SSNMC Interim Leadership and the entire Members of the Movement, we are here to inform the General public that our Chairman Hon. Joseph Bakosoro have decided to re-join the SPLM Party along with other colleagues vide Press Statement dated 15th July 2021 issued at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Regional Cooperation in Juba

Is there hope for South Sudan after 10 years of failure?

July 9 will mark 10 years since South Sudan declared its independence. Today the country is on the brink of disintegration. Millions of residents have been displaced by war, the threat of famine looms over the population, and political elites, through their proxy militias, continue to carry out appalling atrocities against civilians manifested in a cycle of inter-communal violence. The world seems to have given up on South Sudan — regional and international powers either offer lip service or turn a blind eye to this troubled country. Yet, an important question remains: Is there hope for South Sudan after a decade of failure?