On the split in the SPLM/SPLA (IO) and the way forward
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Deadly Clashes Threaten South Sudan’s Shaky Peace Deal
Sami flyktet fra «slakteren i Sudan»: – Jeg måtte rømme tvers over verden til Hattfjelldal
Deadly Clashes Threaten South Sudan’s Shaky Peace Deal
Infighting within the vice president’s party is undermining an already unstable ruling alliance that was formed after a five-year civil war killed 400,000 people
‘We haven’t been spared, we’re just not counting’: Sudan’s hidden Covid death toll
Eighteen months on from Africa’s first coronavirus case, a confusing and insidious picture is emerging across the continent
Rival South Sudanese factions clash, two sides report dozens of soldiers killed
Forces loyal to Vice President Riek Machar and a splinter group have clashed in South Sudan, but the two sides gave conflicting reports on Saturday – with each claiming to have killed dozens of soldiers from the other side
Oppdatering fra People’s Coalition for Civil Action (PCCA)
South Sudan activists arrested after call for uprising
Government security agents in South Sudan on Monday arrested at least two prominent activists who joined a call for a peaceful public uprising to seek political change, one of their colleagues said
NRK: Aktivister skal ha blitt pågrepet i Sør-Sudan
To framtredende aktivister, Kuel Aguer Kuel, tidligere delstatsleder i landet, og den anerkjente analytikeren Augustino Ting Maya, skal ha blitt pågrepet i Sør-Sudan etter at de undertegnet et opprop som ba om politiske reformer