Bistands-Norge jubler for ny minister

Høyres Nikolai Astrup ble nedlesset i blomster da han ble presentert som Norges nye utviklingsminister onsdag. – Det er veldig bra at Høyre nå setter en av sine virkelig tunge politikere på dette feltet, sier KrFs Hilde Frafjord Johnson

South Sudan: Food Assistance Fact Sheet, Updated January 17, 2018

By the end of the 2017 lean season in September—the period of the year when food is most scarce— approximately 56 percent of the country’s population was facing life threatening hunger and in need of humanitarian assistance, making 2017 the most food-insecure year in South Sudan’s history

From Seedling to Shade: Planting Trees in South Sudan’s Displacement Sites

With sweltering heat — temperatures often over 40 degrees Celsius — and either extreme humidity or dust, life in the UN protection of civilians (PoC) site in Bentiu, South Sudan, is harsh by any measure. Bentiu hosts the largest PoC site in the country, with a population of more than 112,000 people, many of whom have been seeking protection in the site since the conflict erupted in December 2013