Det viser en rapport som er laget av forskere ved Brookings-instituttet, og som slippes i dag.
Category: Nyheter
Sør-Sudan: Bortførte barn selges for kveg
Professor Tvedts selektive historieskrivning
Vil ha to norske bistandsbudsjetter i år
Verdens matvareprogram har aldri forvaltet så mange nødhjelps-milliarder som i fjor, men i 2018 trenger WFP enda mer. – Fordi de underliggende konfliktene ikke blir løst, vokser de humanitære behovene, sier FN-organisasjonens innsamlingssjef Rasmus Egendal til Bistandsaktuelt
South Sudan’s Starving Children Turned to Beggars
Do not be misled into thinking that those who remain at home in South Sudan, those who haven’t fled the fighting, are living a normal life. Four million people have been uprooted from their homes, half of them having fled the country. But even for those who’ve stayed put, the ‘lucky’ ones residing in the peaceful areas, life is unimaginably tough
South Sudan summons US charge d’affaires over Haley’s remarks
South Sudan’s government on Friday summoned a top US diplomat to explain reported remarks by US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley calling the country’s president as “an unfit partner.”
US tells Uganda, Kenya to step up pressure on Salva Kiir
The United States signalled a sharp shift in its South Sudan policy on Wednesday with its United Nations envoy denouncing President Salva Kiir as “an unfit partner.”
Uganda: Can Uganda Afford More South Sudan Refugees?
While refugee-hosting is associated with some benefits to the local economy, the large-scale presence of refugees undeniably creates a heavy burden for hosting communities
South Sudan Remains on Bottom of World Freedom Index
South Sudan in Focus (episode 12)
South Sudan in Focus airs at 7:30 pm in Juba (1630 UTC) and can be heard on FM stations throughout South Sudan, on shortwave, and on VOA’s 24-hour channel in Nairobi at 8:30 pm. The program is hosted by John Tanza in Washington D.C., and a network of reporters around South Sudan and in Washington produce the stories that are heard on South Sudan in Focus