The United Kingdom Special Representative for Sudan and South Sudan Chris Trott will visit Khartoum during this month for discussions on Sudan’s peace process, said the British Ambassador to Sudan Michael Aron
Category: Nyheter
Eritrean president denies presence of Egyptian troops in his country
Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki accused interested circles in Sudan and Ethiopia of attempting to create a conflict between Khartoum and Asmara, stressed that there were no Egyptian troops at the Sawa base, which borders the Sudanese border
South Sudan ex-army boss demands Kiir step down
South Sudan’s former chief of general staff General Paul Malong Awan has demanded that President Salva Kiir resigns to save the country from sliding into more political chaos, a South Sudan diplomat said
Listhaug om å droppe kvoteflyktninger: – Det er etisk riktig
Innvandrings- og integreringsminister Sylvi Listhaug (Frp) sier at hun under ukesbesøket i Øst-Afrika fikk bekreftet alt hun trodde på forhånd.
The Troika on Cessation of Hostilities Violations in South Sudan
The members of the Troika (Norway, the United Kingdom, and the United States) strongly condemn the continuing pattern of violations of the December 21, 2017 Cessation of Hostilities (CoH) agreement by parties to the South Sudan High Level Revitalization Forum (the Forum), and call on all parties to immediately and fully implement the CoH in letter and spirit and ensure humanitarian access throughout the country
Joint statement of the African Union and the United Nations on the situation in South Sudan
The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, and the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, strongly condemn the recent violations of the 21 December 2017 Agreement on Cessation of Hostilities, Protection of Civilians and Humanitarian Access in South Sudan
Listhaug i Afrika: Håper å bidra til at vi ikke glemmer de afrikanske flyktningene
Norges innvandringsminister vil bruke bistanden som pressmiddel for å få på plass returavtaler. Sylvi Listhaugs Afrika-reise vekker oppsikt hos KrF og Flyktninghjelpen. Selv uttrykker Frp-toppen et sterkt engasjement for «de glemte flyktningene» på det afrikanske kontinent
UN official calls to fund peacebuilding efforts in Darfur
UN peacekeeping chief has urged the Security Council to allocate funds for the consolidate peacebuilding process in Darfur as he admitted a tangible improvement in the security situation on the ground
Egypt, Eritrea leaders meet as Nile tensions rise
Egypt’s president and his Eritrean counterpart met in Cairo on Monday amid heightened tensions with Sudan and Ethiopia over border disputes and the construction of a massive upstream Nile dam
Ex-presidential adviser forms new rebel group
A new rebel movement allied to former presidential adviser on development calling itself the Eastern Front Army declared existence in South Sudan with an agenda to fight against the current government to achieve federalism