Sudan: Cholera Appears in North and West Darfur, Again in Khartoum

Cases of cholera re-emerged in southern Khartoum state. The disease emerged in El Sareif Beni Hussein and Foro Baranga localities in Darfur for the first time. And in East Jebel Marra, the Health Ministry deployed a medical team to an area where infections have rapidly spread in the past months.


Nine of out every ten refugees that have fled to Ethiopia from South Sudan are women or children. Action Against Hunger has been operating in Ethiopia since 1985, preventing malnutrition and improving communities access to clean water, food, income, and health care services.

Paradox of Darfur’s arm collections campaign

The current situation so-called arms collection is threatening fierce tribal war woes and causing bitterness among the regime’s two militias groups led by Musa Hilal, leader of the Border Guards Forces (BGF) and Muhammad Hamdan Dogolo Hamedti, head of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).