Hentet fra BBC news Africa 22.1.2019|

- South Sudan has begun to repair and pump oil from wells damaged during the civil war which broke out in 2013, news agency Reuters reports. The country, which gained independence from Sudan in 2011, currently produces 160,000 barrels per day (bpd) but estimates say it will rise by an additional 70,000 bpd by the end of 2019, Oil Minister Ezekiel Lul Gatkuoth said. Production plunged to less than half of prewar levels but wells are being repaired with the help of Sudan, Mr Gatkuoth said. Malaysia’s Petronas, India’s Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC Videsh) and the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) all have stakes in South Sudan. South Sudan’s Dar blend crude oil is currently being sold for $61 (£47) per barrel. Sudan receives between about $9-11 per barrel of oil that landlocked South Sudan pumps through its pipeline to the port, the minister said. In August last year South Sudan’s President Salva Kirr and rebel leader Riek Machar signed what they called the «final final» peace deal to end the civil war. But it has not been fully implemented. Read more about the handshake that may end a recurring nightmare