The Coordination Body of The Civilian Democratic Forces (TAQADUM) The Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Taqadum)


The Founding Convention 26-30 May 2024, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Final Communiqué

تنسيــــــــــــــــــــــقية القـــــــــــــــوى
الديمقراطية المدنية
The Coordination Body
of The Civilian Democratic Forces
The Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Taqadum)
The Founding Convention
26-30 May 2024, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Final Communiqué
From the dawn of independence until the war of April 15, 2023, our people have not
experienced wellness. They have continued to suffer from the failure of governments to lift
them out of poverty and illiteracy, and from the outbreaks of civil and regional wars that
have wasted their material and human resources.
The successive authoritarian regimes have also committed the most heinous crimes against
the people, culminating in the current devastating war, in which the battleground has
become the people in their poverty and misery, their homes, their properties, and their
infrastructure, thus, causing the largest humanitarian disaster in the world today.
Considering this bitter reality, this conference is marked by pain yet carries hope. By
overcoming the hardships and heavy human costs in search of peace and the restoration of
the democratic path, we aim to ensure that this abhorrent war is the last of its kind and to
set our country on a path that establishes a new social contract.
The Founding Convention of the Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Taqadum) was
held in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, from May 27-30, 2024. Over 600 members
from Sudan’s 18 states and 24 countries in the diaspora participated, forming the largest
civil front to end the war, achieve peace, preserve the unity and sovereignty of Sudan,
complete the glorious December Revolution, and build Sudan on new foundations.
Since its preparatory meeting in late October 2023, and in the run up to the Founding
Convention, Taqadum has engaged in extensive communication and consultations with
democratic civil forces and anti-war figures. This process was preceded by four workshops
focusing on local governance, constitutional arrangements, transitional justice, and security
and military reform. Taqadum designed a comprehensive process for selecting the
participants in the Convention, adhering to strict criteria to ensure inclusiveness and
genuine representation. Eighteen preparatory mechanisms were established across Sudan’s
states, incorporating political, civil, and social components. These mechanisms selected 250
members from political forces, civil society, resistance committees, professionals and trade
unions, with each state allocated seats proportional to its population weight, reflecting
Sudan’s diversity and plurality. Additionally, preparatory mechanisms were established
for the Sudanese in 24 countries abroad, who selected 135 members.
Representation was not limited to these mechanisms but included 10 qualitative categories:
creative people and intellectuals, farmers, pastoralists, civil administrations, religious