South Sudan Opposition Movement Alliance (SSOMA)


Rome SSOMA Declaration

We, the SSOMA Leadership Council (SSOMA-LC), having met in Rome, Italy on the 12th
and 14th August 2024, do hereby:
Recognize the fact that the unity of the people of South Sudan is of paramount
importance to achieving sustainable peace in our country;
Concern of the continuous suffering of the people of South Sudan and the alarming
political, social and economic breakdown in the country;
Commit to the unity of the opposition parties working together in a functional alliance;
Further commit to political dialogue as the best means to resolve the conflict in South
Acknowledge that the only way forward for achieving sustainable peace in the country
is through addressing the root causes of the conflict in South Sudan in an inclusive
Roundtable Conference;
Aware that, the only way forward for addressing conflict in South Sudan is to design a
comprehensive peace road map that focuses on the welfare of the people of South
Recall our historical SSOMA charter for continuous development of SSOMA to meet the
current and future political challenges,
Therefore, we the Leadership Council of SSOMA resolve the following:
01- Appoint;
a) Gen. Thomas Cirillo Swaka, Chairman and Commander-in-Chief of National
Salvation Front (NAS), the Chairperson of SSOMA;
b) Dr. Alex Yata Lukadi, Chairman and Commander-in-Chief of South Sudan
Movement for Change (SSMC), Deputy Chairperson of SSOMA; and
c) Amb. Emmanuel Ajawin, Chairman and Commander-in-Chief of National
Democratic Movement-Patriotic Front (NDM-PF), Secretary General of SSOMA.
02-Conduct an alliance general meeting to adopt the new structure of SSOMA
Secretariat and to identify and appoint officials to the respective secretariat
03- Establish SSOMA branch offices around the world to help in propagating the
diplomatic and political agenda of SSOMA;
04- Improve and adopt the SSOMA comprehensive peace road map as a guideline in
any political negotiations in South Sudan;
05-Call on the people of South Sudan to join SSOMA alliance to work together to
achieve just and lasting peace in South Sudan;
06- Undertake general mobilization of SSOMA members around the world to achieve
SSOMA objectives.
Done on this day of 14th August 2024, Rome Italy.
Gen. Thomas Cirillo Swaka
Chairperson of SSOMA;&
Chairman and Commander in Chief (C-in-C) of
National Salvation Front (NAS)
Dr. Alex Yata Lukadi
Deputy Chairperson of SSOMA;&
Chairman and Commander in Chief (C-in-C) of
South Sudan Movement for Change (SSMC)
Amb. Emmanuel Ajawin
The Secretary General of SSOMA;&
Chairman and Commander in Chief (C-in C) of
National Democratic Movement-Patriotic Front