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1-It is all aboutjobs, accommodation and maintaining the status quo. Furthermore, the
agreement is tailored to suit individuals rather than addressing the fundamental issues of
2-It does not address the root causes of the crisis in South Sudan.
3- It maintains the illegality of imposing the creation of 28 States, which later became 32, in
contraventionofthe ARCSS’ ten(10) States. It is surely a contradictiontotalk about
revitalizing ARCSS when clear violations of its provisions are upheld. The people whose
lands were grabbed as a result of this division of the country will have nothing to do with
4- It is a repeat of the ARCSS 2015 in that it concentrates power in the hands of SPLM alone;
the party that ignited the war in the first place.
5-It is oblivious to the suffering of the South Sudanese peoplewho are at thereceiving end
of this devastating war. If peace prevails, they will need every pound for repatriation,
resettlement, relief and reconstruction of their livelihoods and infrastructure. The little
money available is now to be spent on paying a bloated government of 550 MPs, 45
Ministers and 10 Deputy Ministers in a country with about ten (10) million people. This is
why SSOA is demanding a lean government.
6-Lack of inclusivity in the responsibility sharing at the Presidency, States and Counties.
7-It says nothing aboutthe adoption offederalism which all Parties have recognized to be
the will of the people of South Sudan.
Therefore, it is crystal clear that the Entebbe meeting was focusing on power-sharing instead of
addressing the fundamental issues of governance. For that reason, we absolutely reject these
proposals as they do not serve the interests of the suffering people of South Sudan.
SSOA had all along been advocating for addressing the root causes to the conflict, lean government
and a federal system of governance, beginning with a clear devolution of power and resources to
the states as well as the localities. We wish to assure our membership, sympathizers and the public
at large that SSOA will continue to engage in the peace process in search for a just and sustainable
peace That is the only way to alleviate the suffering of our people and stop the current downslide
of the country into an abyss.