- 17. september kl. 18:00–19:30
Arrangør: Fellesrådet for Afrika – Norwegian Council for Africa og Støttegruppe for Sudan og Sør-Sudan
Sted: Kirkegata 5, Human Rights House, Oslo, Norway

The civil war in South Sudan broke out in December 2013 and since then the conflict has claimed thousands of lives and driven four million people from their homes. But what about those who stay? The youth movement called Ana Taban («I’m tired») uses slam poetry, graffiti, music and stand-up to spread their message of peace to the people of South Sudan who are living with the insecurities of war.
Why did they decide to use «artivism» to engage and mobilize people? How has the…ir art been met in the South Sudanese society? And what kind of challenges do they face in an environment characterized by suppression of critics and perceived opposition. What has inspired these young people to fight for peace in the world’s youngest state?
In the panel:
Ayak Chol Deng, slam poet, feminist, musician, doctor and one of the founders of Ana Taban. She has been representing civil society in the peace process the last year.
Tom Dai, cartoonist working with political satire. He is also one of the founders of Ana Taban.
Ana Taban’s Facebook-page
Kilde: https://www.facebook.com/events/1682489621878556/permalink/1682489645211887/