The 800th meeting of the AU Peace and Security Council on the situation in South Sudan Hentet fra African Union 15 October 2018 The Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU), at...
South Darfur teachers, state workers: September salaries still unpaid October 15 – 2018 NYALA / EL FULA Teachers, officials, and civil servants in South Darfur have complained that...
Deng Alor returns to Juba to meet Kiir Hentet fra Radio Tamazujo 10.10.2018 Deng Alor, a leading member of the SPLM ‘Former Detainees’, has arrived in Juba...
Et Sør-Sudan i krise UNICEF 10.10.2018 Nådeløse konflikter og usikre avlinger har ført til at over halvparten av befolkningen i Sør-Sudan nå står...
New film from South-Sudan 9.10.2018 New film from South Sudan : a documentary The Profiteers The Profiteers is a documentary by investigative...
Hundretusener har dødd i borgerkrigen i Sør-Sudan NTB 26.9.2018 Den brutale borgerkrigen i Sør-Sudan har tatt livet av langt flere mennesker enn tidligere antatt. Det nye...
UNAMID full exit from Darfur to be completed within two years: FM September 23, 2018 (KHARTOUM) – The third and final phase of the exit strategy of the hybrid peacekeeping mission...
South Sudan’s Kiir asks opposition to nominate delegates for pre-transitional body Sudan Tribune Sunday 23 September 2018 During his second day in Khartoum, President Kiir met with the opposition leaders including...
Amnesty med ny, grufull rapport om Sør-Sudan NTB 20.9.2018 Mens lederne forhandlet om fred, gikk sørsudanske regjeringssoldater og allierte militser til angrep på sivile med sjokkerende...
President Kiir to visit Khartoum next Friday, Sudan confirms his call with Machar SudanTribune 17.9.2018 September 17, 2018 (KHARTOUM) – South Sudan President Salva Kiir will visit Khartoum next Friday for a...