Statement on Sudan from the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs Hentet fra | 18.12.2021 Three years ago tomorrow, the people of Sudan started a country-wide uprising for freedom, peace...
Julehilsen til medlemmer av SFS 17.12.2021 Kjære medlem i SFS. Selv om dette har vært et vanskelig år, så er vi stolt av...
South Sudan: Survivors describe killings, mass displacement and terror amid fighting in Western Equatoria Hentet fra Amnesty December 9th 2021 First human rights analysis of recent wave of violence in Western Equatoria •...
Sudan police fire tear gas as thousands protest against military Hentet fra Al Jazeera 6.12.2021 Demonstrators in different locations across Khartoum and other cities voice their rejection of the...
Kilder: Nesten 50 drept i Sudan i stamme-sammenstøt Hentet fra NT-tekst 6.12.2021 Nærmere 50 mennesker er drept i Darfur i Sudan i nye, voldelige sammenstøt mellom rivaliserende stammer, opplyser...
Fredsprisen: Selvsensur og hindringer i Sør-Sudan Hentet fra Bistandsaktuelt 3.12.2021 | Av Av Benjamin Takpiny Denis Ejulu, redaktør for avisa Dawn (Daggry) i Juba forteller...
South Sudan: will frequent floods determine its future? Hentet fra Al-Jazeera | 1.12.2021 On Wednesday, December 1 at 19:30 GMT: Hundreds of thousands of people across...
Sudan’s military agrees to reinstate ousted Youtube: Sudan’s military agrees to reinstate ousted PM – YouTube (African news 22.11.2021