Sudan Peace Talks Offer Little Hope for Protesters in Darfur Hentet fra New York Times July 29th 2020 by Reuters KHARTOUM/DUBAI — Efforts to bring stability to Sudan‘s conflict-ridden...
Nine dead, dozens injured as militia break-up North Darfur sit-in Hentet fra | Dabanga News 14th July 2020 Bildetekst: Counting the cost: Victims of the violence at Foto Borno...
Sudanese Forces Break Up Protest Camp in Darfur, Killing 1 Hentet fra New York Times July 13th 2020| By The Associated Press CAIRO — Sudanese security forces...
Extension of the Cessation of Hostilities Press News SPLM July 1sth 2020 Extension of the Cessation of Hostilities
Injuries reported during Sudan protests to “correct course of revolution” Hentet fra Daily News Egypt. July 1sth 2020 Protestors chanted slogans calling for improved living conditions, reforms of country’s...
Huge protests in Sudan to ‘correct the path of revolution’ Hentet fra Socialist worker July 1 sth 2020 by Charlie Kimber Hundreds of thousands of protesters—perhaps a million in...
Til deg som besøker SFS sin hjemmeside. Vi er veldig glad for at det er så mange som besøker vår hjemmeside og vår Facebook- side, og...
Løfter om 1,8 milliarder dollar til Sudan Hentet fra Bistandsaktuelt 26.6.2020| Av Jan Speed Løfter om 1,8 milliarder dollar til Sudan Det internasjonale samfunn har forpliktet...
Norge øker støtten til Sudan Hentet fra 25.6.2020 | Det internasjonale samfunnet kom i dag sammen for å vise solidaritet og støtte...
Virus Outbreak Could Spin ‘Out of Control’ in South Sudan Hentet fra New York Time| 22. June 2020. By The Associated Press JUBA, South Sudan — It began with a dry cough,...