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Amnesty anklager sørsudanske soldater for krigsforbrytelse
London (NTB-AFP-TT): Regjeringsstyrker i Sør-Sudan drepte i oktober i fjor over 60 gutter og menn ved å stenge dem inne i en konteiner og la dem dø av kvelning, hevder Amnesty International.
South Sudan oil pollution ‘threatens thousands’
Toxicological tests carried out on hair samples from 96 volunteers living around the Thar Jath oil processing plant in South Sudan’s northern Unity region revealed they were “highly intoxicated with pollutants such as lead and barium,” said Klaus Stieglitz, from the German-based Sign of Hope organisation.
South Sudan: Army Abuses Spread West
Nairobi — South Sudanese government forces have carried out numerous killings, enforced disappearances, rapes, and other grave abuses in the Western Equatoria region during expanded fighting in the region. Rebel armed groups there have also committed serious abuses, including rape.
South Sudan: Serious abuses and fighting escalate in western regions
An arms embargo and an effective war crimes court should be set up to help end killings, enforced disappearances, rapes, and other grave abuses carried out by South Sudanese government forces, a human rights organisation has said.